River Hills

About River Hills

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.

River Hills Pony Club is in the Southern California region of USPC.  We meet at Bell Farm Stables in Norco.  Members do not have to board their horse but may choose to board elsewhere or have their mount at home and trailer to the facility for lessons and other events.  The Bells have been supportive of Pony Club for many years and we appreciate them!

The core of our program is the working rally, or mounted meeting.  Club members come to these meetings with their mounts for riding lessons, horse management instruction,  and other activities.  We also hold unmounted meetings where members learn about upcoming clinics, club events, and shows as well as receive unmounted instruction.  More experienced members are encouraged to act in leadership roles and mentor new and younger members.  Everyone is given opportunity to advance leadership skills.

Pony Club sends teams of riders to local, regional, and national "competitive rallies" in eventing, show jumping, dressage, and tetrathlon (riding, running, swimming, and marksmanship).  Teamwork, horse management, good horsemanship, and good sportsmanship are just as important as performance during all events.

There are eight levels in Pony Club called "certifications."  Members start out as "not tested."  They learn at their own pace and take the test for each certification when they are ready.  Certifications are scheduled throughout the year.  Each level includes riding skills tests, horse management, and oral testing.  Testing for the first five (D-1, D-2, D-3, C-1, and C-2) is done by local examiners.  The C-3, B, and A, the three highest levels, are national certifications tested by national examiners;  they require a high degree of skill, knowledge, and horsemanship experience, the equivalent of a college level education! 

In order to participate, Pony Club members pay national, regional, and local dues.  Parents/Volunteers play a big role in Pony Club; without their help, Pony Club would not be possible.  Two participating memberships types available are: Youth members (those under 18) and Adults (members 18 and over).  Other supporting membership types are also available for those that are interested in learning about horses but perhaps do not have access to, or are not interested in, mounted riding.

USPC Pony Clubs and Riding Centers are assigned to one of 41 geographical regions, which are administered by a volunteer Regional Supervisor (RS) and other appointed and elected officers. Regions offer additional activities and opportunities for members and support for the club and center leaders under their administration. River Hills Pony Club is part of the Southern California Region. Visit the region's website for the contact information for the Regional Officers.

Visit the Pony Club website to learn more about the Pony Club educational program, national events, activities and opportunities for members.

Sportsmanship, Stewardship, Leadership through Horsemanship

Payments accepted through Zelle and PayPal

Send Zelle payments to RiverHillsDC@outlook.com 
